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Resources TranslatorWe will pick you up at your house at 6.
We will pick you up at your house at 6.
Translation result
Te recogeremos en tu casa a las 6. We will pick you up at your house at 6.
The talent scout had to pick the best singer from a pool of hundreds of auditions to complete the band's lineup. El scout de talentos tuvo que elegir la mejor cantante desde una piscina de cientos de audiciones para completar el reparto del grupo.
2. look for and gather.
The farmer spent all morning picking wild berries in the forest to make jam for the winter. El agricultor pasó toda la mañana recogiendo bayas silvestres en el bosque para hacer mermelada para el invierno.
3. harass with constant criticism.
The teacher tends to pick apart her students' work, leaving them feeling discouraged and undervalued. La profesora tiene tendencia a analizar minuciosamente el trabajo de sus estudiantes, lo que les hace sentir desanimados y poco valorizados.
4. provoke.
The comedian's sarcastic remark picked at her insecurities, leaving her feeling embarrassed and frustrated. El comentario sarcástico del comediante púsose en sus inseguridades, dejándola sintiéndose avergonzada y frustrada.
5. remove in small bits.
The mechanic had to pick at the rusty bolts on the old car engine, taking care not to strip them further. El mecánico tuvo que picar en los pernos oxidados del motor de la vieja carrocería, con cuidado para no afeitarlos más.
6. remove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits.
The farmer used a specialized tool to pick the seeds out of the freshly harvested wheat, leaving it clean and ready for storage. El agricultor utilizó una herramienta especializada para recoger las semillas de la trigo fresca cosechada, dejándola limpia y lista para el almacenamiento.
7. pilfer or rob.
The thief was accused of picking several valuables from the store, including jewelry and cash. Se acusó al ladron de haber robado varios objetos de valor del tienda, incluyendo joyas y efectivo.
8. pay for something.
She picked up the tab at the restaurant, treating her friends to dinner. Ella pagó la cuenta en el restaurante, tratando a sus amigos con una cena.
9. pull lightly but sharply with a plucking motion.
The musician carefully picks the strings on her guitar to create a soothing melody. El músico selecciona con cuidado las cuerdas de su guitarra para crear una melodía tranquilizadora.
10. attack with or as if with a pickaxe of ice or rocky ground, for example.
The miner had to pick carefully at the rock face to extract the precious gems without causing any damage. El minero tuvo que picar con cuidado en la cara de roca para extraer los gemas preciosos sin causar daño alguno.
11. hit lightly with a picking motion.
The gentle pick of her fingers on the guitar strings created a soothing melody that filled the room. El suave piquito de sus dedos sobre las cuerdas del guitarra creó una melodía tranquilizadora que llenó la habitación.
12. eat intermittently.
As I was watching TV, I picked at the leftovers on my plate, snacking on bits of chicken and vegetables. Mientras miraba la televisión, recogí restos en mi plato, merendando trozos de pollo y verduras.
house noun
1. a dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families.
The family of four moved into their new house on the outskirts of town, eager to start their new life in a quieter neighborhood. La familia de cuatro personas se mudó a su nueva casa en las afueras del pueblo, ansiosa por empezar su nueva vida en un barrio más tranquilo.
2. the members of a business organization that owns or operates one or more establishments.
The House of Smith & Co. has been a leading player in the real estate market for decades, with multiple offices across the country. La Casa de Smith & Cía. ha sido un jugador líder en el mercado inmobiliario durante décadas, con múltiples oficinas distribuidas por todo el país.
3. the members of a religious community living together.
The Franciscan house in Rome is home to over 100 friars who dedicate their lives to serving the poor and marginalized. La casa franciscana en Roma es hogar de más de 100 frares que dedican sus vidas a servir a los pobres y marginados.
4. the audience gathered together in a theatre or cinema.
The house erupted into applause after the lead actor's powerful performance. La casa estalló en aplausos después del poderoso desempeño del primer actor.
5. an official assembly having legislative powers.
The House of Representatives passed a bill aimed at reducing carbon emissions, marking a significant step towards environmental reform. La Cámara de Representantes aprobó un proyecto de ley dirigido a reducir las emisiones de dióxido de carbono, lo que marca un paso significativo hacia la reforma ambiental.
6. aristocratic family line.
The Duke of Kent is a member of the House of Windsor, one of the most prestigious royal houses in Europe. El Duque de Kent es miembro de la Casa de Windsor, una de las casas reales más prestigiosas de Europa.
7. play in which children take the roles of father or mother or children and pretend to interact like adults.
The kids loved playing house during recess, taking turns being mom and dad, and making up their own little family stories. Los niños se enamoraron de jugar a la casa durante el recreo, cambiándose turnos para ser mamá y papá, y inventando sus propias historias familiares.
8. (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided.
In astrology, the third house is associated with communication and siblings, making it an important area for understanding personal relationships. En astrología, la tercera casa se asocia con la comunicación y los hermanos, lo que la convierte en una área importante para entender las relaciones personales.
9. the management of a gambling house or casino.
The house made sure to thoroughly vet all new employees before allowing them to work on the gaming floor. La casa se aseguró de revisar exhaustivamente a todos los empleados nuevos antes de permitirles trabajar en el piso de juego.
10. a social unit living together.
The Smiths' house has been in the family for generations, and it's where they gather every holiday season to share stories and make memories. La casa de los Smith ha estado en la familia durante generaciones y es allí donde se reúnen todos los días festivos para compartir historias y hacer recuerdos.
11. a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented.
The historic opera house in downtown Los Angeles has hosted some of the world's most renowned performers, including Luciano Pavarotti and Andrea Bocelli. La histórica casa de ópera en el centro de Los Ángeles ha acogido a algunos de los intérpretes más famosos del mundo, incluyendo a Luciano Pavarotti y Andrea Bocelli.
12. a building in which something is sheltered or located.
The family moved into their new house on the outskirts of town, excited to start their new life. La familia se mudó a su nueva casa en las afueras de la ciudad, emocionada por empezar su nueva vida.